In a game of Dungeons & Dragons it is never surprising if a group of Player Characters decide to visit an inn or a tavern in order to gain some local information pertaining to myths and legends. This is to be expected, so if you are playing solo (and like me you strive to achieve an authentic version of the game) then picking up a legend in this manner should be standard procedure!
In Underworld & Wilderness Adventures (the 3rd Volume of Original D&D rulebooks), it says, "RUMORS, INFORMATION, AND LEGENDS: Such activity as advertising will certainly gain the notice of the locals and begin a chain of rumors. So will almost any other unusual activity. Even the departure of a party from a town is likely to be noticed. Obtaining such news is usually merely a matter of making the rounds of the local taverns and inns, buying a round of drinks (10–60 Gold Pieces), slipping the barman a few coins (1–10 Gold Pieces) and learning what is going on. Misinformation is up to the referee. Legends will be devised by the referee as the need arises, but they are generally insinuated in order to lead players into some form of activity or warn them of a coming event."
OD&D - Rumors, Information and Legends in Solo Games
There are two mechanisms in the above test: the first pertains to receiving information or rumours regarding the movement of other adventuring parties. This works really well in group games because it allows players from different groups in the same campaign to discover the activities of others and this can lead to many interesting scenarios of a competitive nature, if desired... There are many ways this might become useful in a solo campaign too. A party might get split or you might have several parties and desire a rendevouz but the parties have no in-game knowledge of where to find eachother.
Legends on the other hand are something altogether different. To quote a portion of the above text again. "[...] they are generally insinuated in order to lead players into some form of activity [...]". I was inspired by this little fragment, to devise some rules of my own for solo OD&D. Here is a PDF showing what I came up with...
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