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Things to Spend Money on in an OD&D Campaign - Part 3

I've recently started experimenting with some simple rules in my OD&D solo campaign "The Castle of the Quest". I'm trying to create an interesting mechanic regarding management of excess treasure. The intention is to contribute towards keeping the motivation of characters high in terms of seeking out additional adventures and also attempt to create a more realistic economy that reflects the middle-ages.

Things to Spend Money on in an OD&D Campaign - Part 3

I came up with the following rules for "Treasure Tallage" and "Squanderage"

All characters must pay a tallage to the local ruler of the parties home base for any treasure acquired at a rate of 10-30% of the overall hoard. Once this has been paid, rangers, paladins and monks must donate all excess treasure from their share to a worthy cause, holding back no more than 250 encumbrance worth. Clerics must tithe 10% of treasure from their share.  

After each adventure when tallage, donations and tithes have been paid, an additional 5-20% of each share will be squandered by each character. Make one roll on the following table to determine how:

Class       Drink   Philander   Revel  Fame   Religion   Profession
*           **      ***         **
Thief       1-15    16-35       36-50  51-80  81-85      86-00
Paladin     1-10    11-15       16-20  21-35  36-85      86-00
Ranger      1-10    11-20       21-30  31-65  66-80      81-00
Magic User/
Illusionist 1-5     6-10        11-15  16-35  36-40      41-00
Monk/Druid  1-10    11-15       16-20  21-35  36-85      86-00
Assassin    1-5     6-10        11-15  16-20  21-30      31-00

*For characters who are multi-classing select the class they operated as on their last adventure.
** For each character involved in drinking or revelry there is 5% chance accumulative that they will be accused of a crime.

Die Crime
1-2 Insult Citizen
3 Assault Constable
4 Public Fouling
5 Assault Citizen
6 Drunkard
7 Property Damage
8 Public Disorder

*** Whilst philandering there is a 5% chance that either a gem or piece of jewellery (if such an item is carried) is lost (use random determination).


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